An MBA list should usually be pushing the envelope a bit - aiming for all b-schools that you really want to go to and that feel pretty hard to get into. To get to this main idea, we will work through: General philosophy on selecting MBA programs, the contextual nature of ROI, and finishing off a list of programs.
When starting your MBA application process you need to keep in mind that you are not writing your essays for your mom or dad, nor are you writing to your boss. You need to try and assess and see if you are a good fit on paper, and be able to convince that person on the admissions committee that you are a good pick. Having said that, let’s move on and dive into the first four steps you should take when starting your MBA application process.
Turning Your MBA Degree into a Job Offer
Here you are, you’ve made it through the rigorous MBA program and graduation day is well on the way. The next chapter? Using that knowledge and skill to propel your post-MBA career forward. But searching for a job fresh out of business school can be a complex and daunting process. Here are three post-MBA tips.
Balancing your MBA life
How to balance your MBA life with only 168 hours in a week? Are you currently balancing your MBA life the way you want? Harry Kraemer is the author of Your 168: Finding Purpose and Satisfaction in a Values-Based Life. In this book, Kraemer has an exercise to help you find out how to balance your MBA life.
3 tips to conquer your self-doubt
Everyone has faced self-doubt at some point in their lives. Oddly enough, feelings of self-doubt for high achievers feel particularly severe, and can even be paralyzing. Don’t get too comfortable playing the observer. Take a cue from those around you, and ditch the diminishing language to try overcome self-doubt.
How to make your MBA application package competitive in 2021
How to make your MBA application package competitive in 2021? Engaging in virtual MBA events is crucial. If you have waived the standardized tests, demonstrating quantitative analysis skills is even more important. Showing resilience and growth during the pandemic is an opportunity to make your MBA application shine.
2021 MBA New Year's Resolution Ideas
Ideas for your 2021 MBA New Year's resolutions. What to include? Become more informed. Incorporate project management into your MBA resolutions routine. Make one new professional MBA connection each month. Identify a strength and improve it. Identify a weakness and enhance it. Get extra certifications. Self-care.
How to communicate effectively at your next MBA networking opportunity
How to be an effective communicator at your next MBA networking event? Take the pressure off. Walk into a conversation with your head held high, your confidence will come through. Quality over quantity. Have a genuine interest and concern for the person you are conversing with. Be prepared. Know your outcome. Be yourself.
What are the MBA application readers looking for?
What are the MBA application readers looking for? Get into the mind of how MBA application readers think. Avoid too much jargon. Understand how the admissions committee is constructed. Remember that you are APPLYING to attend b-school & not yet graduated. Do NOT submit the same resume you would for a job opportunity.
Reasons to apply to an online MBA program
Should I Work While Getting an MBA
For most applicants, the thought of quitting a well-paying job and committing to full time graduate school is a scary one indeed. Especially if you have spent a little too much on Starbucks and Spotify since graduating college, you may find yourself a little short on cash—and it takes a heck of a lot of cash to pay for an MBA. With price tags more than $120,000 in most cases, the thought of continuing to work in some way while embarking on an MBA program might be tempting. Not so fast, type-A grasshopper.
Don't Wait for B-School to Start Networking
One of the best payoffs for attending a good MBA program is the instant network you receive around the world through all the living alumni from your school. You not only obtain access to alumni from the b-school, but also to undergraduate alumni as well. This network can benefit you well beyond landing your first job or two, and will pay dividends throughout your entire career.
Monday MBA Resource: The Charisma Myth by Cynthia Fox Cabene
Time for another edition of Monday MBA Resource, where we share the things we are reading, watching, and listening to that might be helpful to people in the MBA community. Some are more focused on applicants, others are better for students, some for both - but all of them offer great insights that are worth soaking up. Two weeks we broke down the Knowledge @Wharton podcast and people seem to really be enjoying it. Last week it was one of my favorite articles in years: "Happy Ambition: Striving for Success, Avoiding Status Cocaine, and Prioritizing Happiness" by Ben Casnocha. Let's hope we can keep it up with this next entry, which is the book:
Rankings: Best MBA Programs for Finance Jobs (2015) - Chicago Booth
Rankings: Best MBA Programs for Finance Jobs (2015) - Amerasia's attempt at ranking top MBA programs by industry and based on publicly available data. Our motivation for doing this is quite simple - business school rankings differ quite drastically from publication to publication. We started with the very numbers that the school's career centers are reporting via their respective employment reporting. You need to see the end result first. In other words, what industries are hiring MBA graduates and from what schools?