The playing field has finally leveled out as global MBA candidates now have as much access to MBA programs as local students do. MBA candidates can now take advantage of the new ways to engage with business school programs virtually. Here are five ways to stay on track with your virtual MBA research.
How to communicate effectively at your next MBA networking opportunity
How to be an effective communicator at your next MBA networking event? Take the pressure off. Walk into a conversation with your head held high, your confidence will come through. Quality over quantity. Have a genuine interest and concern for the person you are conversing with. Be prepared. Know your outcome. Be yourself.
What are the MBA application readers looking for?
What are the MBA application readers looking for? Get into the mind of how MBA application readers think. Avoid too much jargon. Understand how the admissions committee is constructed. Remember that you are APPLYING to attend b-school & not yet graduated. Do NOT submit the same resume you would for a job opportunity.