You got the interview. How do you not mess this up? Prepare, prepare, prepare. But also know - even if you’ve been preparing your heart out – there will always come a moment where you could strike a blank. What happens if you aren’t sure how to answer a question? The number one thing you need to do is be confident.
The next step in your MBA application process should be opening up the online applications and reading through them. According to Paul Lanzillotti, admissions expert and founder of Amerasia Consulting, the reason for this is that you will get screwed if you don’t! You will start to see what kind of questions each school asks. You will also see many short questions. Writing a paragraph on your short term goals is a nasty surprise to get the day before the deadline.
Turning Your MBA Degree into a Job Offer
Here you are, you’ve made it through the rigorous MBA program and graduation day is well on the way. The next chapter? Using that knowledge and skill to propel your post-MBA career forward. But searching for a job fresh out of business school can be a complex and daunting process. Here are three post-MBA tips.