
Update: Your 2023 New Year's Resolutions

Update: Your 2023 New Year's Resolutions

We've only had two weeks of the new year so far. How are your goals coming along?

MBA hopefuls often feel more excited about starting over at the beginning of the new year. Getting an MBA is a big deal—it changes your career and your life, and it makes you want to do your best. The problem with changing your life is that it can quickly become too much. In this blog post, we address this issue.

7 New Year's Resolutions for 2023 Applicants

7 New Year's Resolutions for 2023 Applicants

It's that time of year again: the start of a new year. A new beginning. If you're reading this to acquire some ideas for goals you want to achieve in the coming year, you've come to the perfect place. This blog post is meant to help you become the greatest version of a prospective MBA applicant by inspiring new goals or building on existing ones.

UVA Darden's 3 New Essay Questions for 2022/2023

UVA Darden's 3 New Essay Questions for 2022/2023

Darden has revised the essay questions to three simple prompts for the 2022–2023 application cycle. Their goal is to learn about all the facets of your background and personality. Note that Darden has also extended test flexibility this year which means applicants can request a test waiver or submit a range of tests, including MCAT, LSAT, GRE, and GMAT.



The simplest and most important thing you can do to improve your "Why B-School X" portion of career goals essay is to personalize any and all content. Make anything you write about the school specific to you. Make it specific to your experience and your desires. Or make it specific to what you require from a program.

10 Steps To Deciphering Wharton Electives

10 Steps To Deciphering Wharton Electives

Wharton is one of the few schools that require you to declare a major and select electives before entering their MBA program. But how do you determine what those MBA classes are ahead of your arrival? Well, you will have to do some business school research. Here is a step-to-step guide to help you decipher the process.

Things You Must Know Before Writing Your Essays

Things You Must Know Before Writing Your Essays

When approaching writing your MBA admissions goals essay, you have to get into the right mindset. Always think, "I must answer the question directly, at a high level. Thus, my long-term goal should be front and center.”

The Biggest MBA Essay Writing Tip

The Biggest MBA Essay Writing Tip

Summertime is essentially the MBA application prep season. There are a ton of things to think about when applying to business school, almost to the point of being overwhelming. Overwhelmed by the MBA essay writing process? Use a simple matrix to ensure you cover all your bases.

Tactical Aspects To Wharton’s Curriculum

Tactical Aspects To Wharton’s Curriculum

Wharton believes their differentiation is in their thought leadership and faculty research. What does this mean to future MBA applicants to Wharton? Well, we need to decipher it. The most valuable guide you can read if you want to apply to Wharton is the Wharton’s MBA Resource Guide.

Wharton's New Dean: A New Direction for Wharton?

Wharton's New Dean: A New Direction for Wharton?

In July 2020, Wharton appointed a new Dean Erika James. How can you use this information to apply for your MBA to Wharton this year? You can capitalize on any new direction by including it in your essay. Wharton's pedagogy, culture of innovation, and learning environment has survived several deans.

LinkedIn Search Techniques To Determine Your MBA Goals

LinkedIn Search Techniques To Determine Your MBA Goals

Once you have are clearer in determining your realistic goals, here are some search techniques on LinkedIn to help you further your MBA research. Firstly, start on your targeted MBA program’s page (on LinkedIn). Then search for your desired title (e.g., “Product manager”)

Example Search: UCLA Anderson, Product Manager

The Real Value of LinkedIn with Respect To B-School?

The Real Value of LinkedIn with Respect To B-School?

What's the real value of LinkedIn with respect to business school? Determining how realistic your business school goals are - especially your short-term goal - as well as what business schools are the most appropriate for your goals. Overwhelmingly, b-schools will look at your short-term goals from a recruiter's POV.



The most important thing what every MBA applicant should know before starting their MBA application journey this year: is to know who your audience is. This includes being aware of the yin and yang element in the application process. Let’s bring you closer to create your competitive MBA application using LinkedIn.



When starting your MBA application process you need to keep in mind that you are not writing your essays for your mom or dad, nor are you writing to your boss. You need to try and assess and see if you are a good fit on paper, and be able to convince that person on the admissions committee that you are a good pick. Having said that, let’s move on and dive into the first four steps you should take when starting your MBA application process.

Determining Realistic MBA Goals Using LinkedIn

Determining Realistic MBA Goals Using LinkedIn

Last month Paul Lanzillotti, founder of Amerasia Consulting, presented a talk for GMAT Club on LinkedIn Presence and Leveraging LinkedIn for your MBA Research. He specifically talked about determining realistic goals using LinkedIn and how to go about it. Here are a few questions you should ask yourself.

6 tips on sending follow up emails

6 tips on sending follow up emails

In a recent Harvard Business Review article, Rebecca Zucker , who is an executive coach and a founding Partner at Next Step Partners , speaks about how to not feel awkward sending a follow up email. Especially having to do it multiple times. Zucker mentions six tips to help you get the resonse you need.

Pursuing an MBA program for the right or wrong reason?

Pursuing an MBA program for the right or wrong reason?

Many young professionals are asking if applying for an MBA is the right or wrong career move. The fact that an MBA program requires a lot of time, money and effort, it’s really important to think about it if you are a good fit or not.

Putting your time management skills to use with your deadlines

Putting your time management skills to use with your deadlines

1. Make a calendar of the MBA application deadlines. 2. Don’t attack the earliest MBA application deadline first. 3. Managing your recommenders is very important. 4. Give yourself mini-artificial deadlines. 5. Be flexible when working with a consultant. 6. Don’t wait for creative inspirations to hit you to start working on your MBA applications.

How to make your MBA application package competitive in 2021

How to make your MBA application package competitive in 2021

How to make your MBA application package competitive in 2021? Engaging in virtual MBA events is crucial. If you have waived the standardized tests, demonstrating quantitative analysis skills is even more important. Showing resilience and growth during the pandemic is an opportunity to make your MBA application shine.