How to Group Interview

3 tips to conquer your self-doubt

3 tips to conquer your self-doubt

Everyone has faced self-doubt at some point in their lives. Oddly enough, feelings of self-doubt for high achievers feel particularly severe, and can even be paralyzing. Don’t get too comfortable playing the observer. Take a cue from those around you, and ditch the diminishing language to try overcome self-doubt.

Wharton Group Interview: Ambiguity Equals Opportunity

Wharton Group Interview: Ambiguity Equals Opportunity
Yesterday was October 23rd.  A relatively uneventful day for many humans, but a big one for a select group of Wharton applicants who received an interview invite.  It's obviously a magical moment to get that letter, err, email that says that mighty Wharton wants to talk to you.  However, this year that feeling of excitement is lasting for about two seconds for most applicants as it is quickly replaced by a feeling of uncertainty.  That's because Wharton has partnered with the Wharton Innovation Group to come up with a whole new style of interviewing ... the group interview. Enter the ominous organ music!