Finding the energy, passion and confidence to embark upon this repeat journey can be tough. So, we hope this proves helpful and gives you a little wind at your back when you're reapplying for your MBA. Year after year, we receive a huge number of inquiries from applicants readying for the reapplication process.
What are the MBA application readers looking for?
What are the MBA application readers looking for? Get into the mind of how MBA application readers think. Avoid too much jargon. Understand how the admissions committee is constructed. Remember that you are APPLYING to attend b-school & not yet graduated. Do NOT submit the same resume you would for a job opportunity.
Opportunity Cost of Getting Your MBA - Your Odds of Admissions Have Never Been Better
Time Out
Millennials and the MBA
MBA Practice Runs
Thinking Ahead
Surviving Round Three Applications
Find an Old Bear
Applicant Strategy
The Informational Interview
Applying to business school puts you in a very unique category. Unless you have a serious shift in your life plan, it’s unlikely you will ever be in the same situation again, that is, becoming a student in a terminal degree program. Now is your chance to get meetings with just about anyone you desire to discuss their experience and your vision.
Mixing it Up
Round and Round
Fail to Prepare at Your Peril
Being Thankful
This time of year is all about Thanksgiving. Well, and Christmas, but let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Giving thanks is an important part of everyone’s lives, but the busy schedules we all lead can leave us skipping over thankfulness altogether. Similarly, when it comes to business school applications, clients often fail to remember to give appropriate thanks too. Are you one of them?
What's the Deal with Work Experience?
Always Waive Your Right to View Your MBA Recommendation
I tell my clients up front that they have to waive their right to view their recommendation, and that it is not really an option to not do so.
Not waiving your right could tell the admissions committee that you don’t trust your recommenders. It could tell them that you are paranoid or overly anxious. It opens up a pandora's box of possibilities, none of which are that great.
Act Like a Leader and You Might Become One
Marketing Your Post-MBA Employability
One of the most oft overlooked profile characteristics is employability. Marketing yourself as a potential MBA candidate who will be not only highly qualified on the backend of the degree, but as someone whom recruiters will clamor over could be a great way to differentiate yourself in the application process.
How to Overcome a Low College GPA
One of the most stressful points of applying to business school is having to confront once again your undergraduate performance. That GPA which you happily in your past must now be resurrected for all on the admissions committees to see, and it’s often an uncomfortable exercise. While there’s no way to change the past, there are some practical things you can do to help overcome the potentially detrimental impact a poor GPA can have on your profile. Read on…