Many young professionals are asking if applying for an MBA is the right or wrong career move. The fact that an MBA program requires a lot of time, money and effort, it’s really important to think about it if you are a good fit or not.
Putting your time management skills to use with your deadlines
1. Make a calendar of the MBA application deadlines. 2. Don’t attack the earliest MBA application deadline first. 3. Managing your recommenders is very important. 4. Give yourself mini-artificial deadlines. 5. Be flexible when working with a consultant. 6. Don’t wait for creative inspirations to hit you to start working on your MBA applications.
2021 MBA New Year's Resolution Ideas
Ideas for your 2021 MBA New Year's resolutions. What to include? Become more informed. Incorporate project management into your MBA resolutions routine. Make one new professional MBA connection each month. Identify a strength and improve it. Identify a weakness and enhance it. Get extra certifications. Self-care.