The MBA application cycle is nearing an end. And, even if you've been accepted to more than one school, you may not feel prepared to attend college - at least not at those programs. If this sounds similar, you may want to consider requesting a deferment. However, when you request a deferral, take into account what business schools genuinely think. We provide you with some more insight in this blog post.
Applying After an MBA Rejection?
It's all too simple to second-guess yourself after a rejection. However, don't make any conclusions about what went wrong. Find someone who isn't too close to your candidacy to read your application and tell you what impression you left on them. You might be shocked by how your application appears on paper. A professional admissions consultant may provide you with valuable insight, and many will provide valuable comments... gratis.
What we have been sharing with our clients is the idea of looking towards more European MBA programs. We have seen clients find better fits, enjoy greater results, and go on to be incredibly happy in EU schools. After initially not even considering the possibility! Let's break down why European MBA programs are emerging as an ideal market.
UPDATES: The Most Important Thing To Do After You Hit Submit
After submitting your MBA application, the most important thing you can do is to keep engaging your target business schools. After you’ve completed all your submissions, you should still keep reaching out to your target MBA schools with substantial updates. This will make you stand out and look more competitive.
6 tips on sending follow up emails
In a recent Harvard Business Review article, Rebecca Zucker , who is an executive coach and a founding Partner at Next Step Partners , speaks about how to not feel awkward sending a follow up email. Especially having to do it multiple times. Zucker mentions six tips to help you get the resonse you need.
5 Pieces of Advice for your MBA Reapplication Process
Finding the energy, passion and confidence to embark upon this repeat journey can be tough. So, we hope this proves helpful and gives you a little wind at your back when you're reapplying for your MBA. Year after year, we receive a huge number of inquiries from applicants readying for the reapplication process.