If you are 22-37 years old, congratulations, you’re a Millennial. You also happen to be in the sweet spot for returning for your MBA.
As a matter of fact, with the average age of full time MBA students at 28, we’re smack dab in the middle of what’s been called the “entitled” generation. So what’s it going to be like applying against all those other kids who all got trophies growing up?
For starters, you have to know your competition in order to stand out and despite the bad rap that millennials have received for being self-centered, it’s actually one of the most caring generations in decades.
Millennials are driven by a cause, which is a very good thing.
Also be aware, however that when you are writing your MBA essays, your fellow applicants (just like you) will be angling to change the world. This knowledge will help you realize that you’re not necessarily going to be all that unique when you talk about how your aim is to impact the globe for the greater good.
Does the fact that everyone these days wants to do well by doing good mean you have to change your approach? Maybe.
The key will be in demonstrating that you can pull it off. When writing essays as a millennial, try to avoid sounding like a dreamer and instead, demonstrate you are a visionary. There’s a big difference.
Being a visionary means you actually have the passion and experience to achieve what you say.
This is most often backed up with your prior career record coupled with good recommendations. If your recommenders tout your skills as an influencer and change agent, it adds a tremendous amount of credence to your future plans to take over the world. Similarly, if your track record at work indicates you have been a standout vs. a bystander, you will be putting the proverbial money where your mouth is, and can edge out your fellow millennials who might come across as the world owes them something instead of vice versa.
So embrace your generation and capitalize on the reputation for caring and engagement, while shunning the misnomer of laziness and entitlement. The world needs our millennial crew to do great things…and b-schools want to hear about how you’re going to make it happen.
To find out more about your options and how we can guide your business school application process, email us at mba@amerasiaconsulting.com or contact us via http://www.amerasiaconsulting.com/contact