The simplest and most important thing you can do to improve your "Why B-School X" portion of career goals essay is to personalize any and all content. Make anything you write about the school specific to you. Make it specific to your experience and your desires. Or make it specific to what you require from a program.
10 Steps To Deciphering Wharton Electives
Wharton is one of the few schools that require you to declare a major and select electives before entering their MBA program. But how do you determine what those MBA classes are ahead of your arrival? Well, you will have to do some business school research. Here is a step-to-step guide to help you decipher the process.
Things You Must Know Before Writing Your Essays
The Biggest MBA Essay Writing Tip
Tactical Aspects To Wharton’s Curriculum
The Real Value of LinkedIn with Respect To B-School?
What's the real value of LinkedIn with respect to business school? Determining how realistic your business school goals are - especially your short-term goal - as well as what business schools are the most appropriate for your goals. Overwhelmingly, b-schools will look at your short-term goals from a recruiter's POV.
Once you’ve got your first MBA application essay to 95%-99% completion, start tackling your second MBA application essay. The second target school should go through the whole process again starting at around week four or five. A good rule of thumb is to estimate one-third less time for the second school than the first.
The first school could take around eight to ten draft iterations, again this is at a bare minimum. You the MBA applicant are going to touch it around 5 times and the consultant is going to touch it another five times. Each week you work on a set of MBA application essays for days one to three, and then you flip it over.
The most important thing what every MBA applicant should know before starting their MBA application journey this year: is to know who your audience is. This includes being aware of the yin and yang element in the application process. Let’s bring you closer to create your competitive MBA application using LinkedIn.
Goal Setting
A Decision Tree for the Ross 2014-15 Essays
I wanted to try something a bit different today when breaking down the new Ross essays, which is to post the decision tree I am going to be asking my clients to use this year.
Why would I just share this with the public, you might ask? In part because the real value of our services with Ross (unlike with some other schools) is going to be in implementation rather than in the setting of strategy - so I don't feel I am cheating my clients at all. Further, we just don't have that many clients select Ross, to be honest. This is confusing to me, as Ross is an amazing school and a true value pick ... but that's a column for a different time. Today, I want to present a really simple way to work through Ross' seemingly wide open essays. I'll be using one part common sense and one part program knowledge, but both are born out of lots of experience just being someone in this world (by "in this world" I mean working in "higher education" and with "people trying to maximize their lives and abilities"). Let's get into it.