Essay Strategy

Tips for Writing the Oxford Saïd MBA Application Essays

Tips for Writing the Oxford Saïd MBA Application Essays

The highly regarded Saïd at Oxford MBA program provides students to a global, diversified network at a world-class school over the course of one year. As a result, Oxford is looking for motivated students and experienced professionals.

London Business School MBA Essay Tips

London Business School MBA Essay Tips

London Business School is a school to consider if you are seeking for an internationally focused MBA program in a city rich in culture, finance, and industry.

HEC Paris MBA Essay Tips

HEC Paris MBA Essay Tips

The HEC Paris MBA application essays – which are many in comparison to most MBA applications these days – provide the admissions committee with a comprehensive picture of you.

IESE MBA Application Essays and Tips

IESE MBA Application Essays and Tips

IESE Business School, headquartered in Spain, provides a world-class MBA program that began as a partnership with Harvard Business School.

TIPS ON DUKE'S “25 random things about yourself”

TIPS ON DUKE'S “25 random things about yourself”

This Duke essay always produces a lot of handwringing and dismay from applicants. But Duke is dropping a gift from heaven on an unsuspecting applicant tool. So, ask yourself, what is it that most applicants want most? The chance to differentiate themselves. Well, here it is.

Chicago Booth's Three Components You Need To Know

Chicago Booth's Three Components You Need To Know

What should we know about what Chicago Booth wants the world to see? How do they position themselves face to face with their competition? Let’s look directly at some of Booths latest marketing material and branding documentation. The new marketing manta is, “We are more than a business school. We are a business force.”

"What Makes You Feel Alive?" Tips for Haas Essay #1

"What Makes You Feel Alive?" Tips for Haas Essay #1

The Berkeley Haas application deadline is around the corner. Haas is being unique with this essay - the length and the content. The reason for this is probably because business school applicants are slavishly devoted to connecting passion with work. These kinds of essays also end up reading pretty frilly. So, it’s best you to be as efficient in this essay as possible.



The Berkeley Haas MBA application deadline is nearing. Before you write and review a single essay, you have to take stock of their overarching instructions. Haas has taken their “Defining Principles” out from one specific essay question and placed them at the top of the entire application. Why? Read on for more clarity.

MIT Sloan Seeks Something Different in MBA Applicants

MIT Sloan Seeks Something Different in MBA Applicants

MIT Sloan School of Management is ranked sixth out of all top business schools. With a 14% acceptance rate, this prestigious b-school is extremely selective who they chose to accept into their MBA program. So, what kind of students does Sloan seek out and how are their applications different from others’?



The STAR Method (Situation, Task, Action, Result) offers a straightforward format you can use to answer MBA interview questions. Prompts that ask you to provide a real-life example of how you handled a certain kind of situation at work in the past. But it is an excellent method to use for MBA essay writing too.

15 “Interpersonal Characteristics” to Consider for your Wharton LOR

15 “Interpersonal Characteristics” to Consider for your Wharton LOR

The Wharton admissions committee wants the person who knows you the best at work – usually a direct supervisor – to attest to your skills, achievements, and qualities. They need that first-person POV brought to the table. Wharton wants to get the nuanced insight and real-world examples of how you perform with others.



The simplest and most important thing you can do to improve your "Why B-School X" portion of career goals essay is to personalize any and all content. Make anything you write about the school specific to you. Make it specific to your experience and your desires. Or make it specific to what you require from a program.

MBA Application Enemy #1? Procrastinating.

MBA Application Enemy #1? Procrastinating.

With business school deadlines nearing and the atmosphere in the air possibly becoming more stressful every minute, the last thing you want is to feel stuck. Are you procrastinating working on your MBA applications? We have four tips to stop procrastinating, not tomorrow... but - right now!

10 Steps To Deciphering Wharton Electives

10 Steps To Deciphering Wharton Electives

Wharton is one of the few schools that require you to declare a major and select electives before entering their MBA program. But how do you determine what those MBA classes are ahead of your arrival? Well, you will have to do some business school research. Here is a step-to-step guide to help you decipher the process.

Things You Must Know Before Writing Your Essays

Things You Must Know Before Writing Your Essays

When approaching writing your MBA admissions goals essay, you have to get into the right mindset. Always think, "I must answer the question directly, at a high level. Thus, my long-term goal should be front and center.”

The Biggest MBA Essay Writing Tip

The Biggest MBA Essay Writing Tip

Summertime is essentially the MBA application prep season. There are a ton of things to think about when applying to business school, almost to the point of being overwhelming. Overwhelmed by the MBA essay writing process? Use a simple matrix to ensure you cover all your bases.

Tactical Aspects To Wharton’s Curriculum

Tactical Aspects To Wharton’s Curriculum

Wharton believes their differentiation is in their thought leadership and faculty research. What does this mean to future MBA applicants to Wharton? Well, we need to decipher it. The most valuable guide you can read if you want to apply to Wharton is the Wharton’s MBA Resource Guide.

Wharton's New Dean: A New Direction for Wharton?

Wharton's New Dean: A New Direction for Wharton?

In July 2020, Wharton appointed a new Dean Erika James. How can you use this information to apply for your MBA to Wharton this year? You can capitalize on any new direction by including it in your essay. Wharton's pedagogy, culture of innovation, and learning environment has survived several deans.

Deciphering Wharton’s “Knowledge for Action” and “Collaborative Innovation”

Deciphering Wharton’s “Knowledge for Action” and “Collaborative Innovation”

Wharton believes their differentiation is in their thought leadership and faculty research. They believe they offer students a superior educational experience due to opportunities they provide to translate intellectual capital into better management knowledge.

The Real Value of LinkedIn with Respect To B-School?

The Real Value of LinkedIn with Respect To B-School?

What's the real value of LinkedIn with respect to business school? Determining how realistic your business school goals are - especially your short-term goal - as well as what business schools are the most appropriate for your goals. Overwhelmingly, b-schools will look at your short-term goals from a recruiter's POV.