As a proportion of all MBA grads, 13% of Marshall's graduating class works in the entertainment/media sector, which is more than twice as many as UCLA Anderson's (6.5%) or NYU Stern's (4.3%) alumni. In addition to Marshall's closeness to major players in the entertainment and media industries and the consulting and finance firms that support them, the USC MBA program offers students three main benefits. In this blog, we talk about them.
Pursuing an MBA for the Entertainment Industry?
For some people, working in the entertainment industry is their lifelong dream. People come from all over the world to work in Hollywood, New York, Canada, London, and even Bollywood because of the glitz, glamour, and gluttony. It is a well-known fact that getting a job in this highly walled fortress of employment is not only challenging, but also arguably the hardest industry in the world to get into. How do you gain access?