Note: we have updated our Entertainment & Media rankings for 2017.
View our latest analysis here.
Chart: MBA programs ranked by percentage of graduates entering entertainment and media
Ranking the best business school programs by the percentage of graduates entering media and entertainment industries in 2015
Today's blog post is a follow up to our Best MBA Programs for Finance ranking and Best MBA Programs for Technology Jobs posts. It's also our continued attempt at ranking top MBA programs by industry and based on publicly available data.
UCLA Anderson comes out on top when it comes to sending MBA graduates (as a percentage of all graduates in 2014) back into the entertainment & media industries.
NYU Stern is respectable second, with Michigan Ross a surprising third. Hands down, UCLA Anderson is the place to be if you're into entertainment and media and want to work for a related firm in the industry.
Read our thoughts on what it takes to get a MBA-level job in the entertainment industry.
"Working in the Entertainment Industry is the ultimate career goal for some. The Glitz, the Glamour, and the Gluttony beckon folks from far and wide to Hollywood, New York, Canada, London, and even Bollywood to work. It is a well-known truism that breaking into this super-fortified fortress of employment is not just difficult, it’s notoriously the most impossible industry in the world to catch a break and get your foot in the door. How can you find a way in?"
Source: Getting a Job in the Entertainment Industry with an MBA | Amerasia Consulting Group Blog
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If you are looking to further your career in entertainment and media through an MBA, let's talk.
We have worked with applicants from the entertainment media industry – from Hollywood studios to media technology firms, from stalwarts like Disney and Pixar to innovative startup entertainment companies.