
East Coast vs. West Coast MBA Campuses

East Coast vs. West Coast MBA Campuses

Your quality of living and experience for the next two years are determined by the location of your college. The geography of a college has a direct influence on your life, from people to weather to cuisine and much more.

Harvard and Kellogg: a tale of two business schools?

Harvard and Kellogg: a tale of two business schools?

Very rarely do we get caught up in trying to spot trends in terms of which schools are "hot" at any given moment.

This is mainly because narratives tend to overreact in the moment, only to fade over time ("Wharton is going off the rails" - 2013 .. "Stanford is mired in sexual harassment scandal!" - 2015), but also because so much of trying to spot these trends is about reacting to anecdotal evidence from a small sample size.  Put another way: you are just hearing your clients buzz about schools and express their opinions.  Is that enough to go all-in on?  No, definitely not.  But can you sometimes spot an interesting new trend or pattern?  I think yes, sometimes you can. 

Why I like the Economist MBA Rankings

Why I like the Economist MBA Rankings

The latest MBA rankings from The Economist are out and people are understandably freaking out about some of the odd placements that you can find in their list.  Poets and Quants has already done an impeccable job running all this down, so I am not going to try to repeat all the great work John Byrne already did.  But you should definitely check out the P&Q piece on it.  What I want to talk about is why I am happy P&Q ran that extensive post on those rankings (rather than dismissing them) and, indeed, why I am happy these Economist rankings even exist. 

Ranking the Best MBA Programs - Making Our 2015 Data Public

Ranking the Best MBA Programs - Making Our 2015 Data Public

We've had a number of requests for this, so we're making public the data we used to come up with our 2015 ranking of the "Best MBA Program for".  

Basically, this blog post is a data dump of data from 2014/2015 that the career centers from each of the MBA programs we covered.  We post links to where you can find those reports at the bottom.

What this blog post is not: a careful analysis of this employment data. In  fact, we had to aggregate some data from particular business schools in order to make consistent comparisons across industries. So draw what conclusions you can from what we present. 

Rest assured, we are keeping our most up to date career data analysis and employment numbers for our current clients. 

Ranking the Best MBA Programs for Pharmaceutical/ Biotech/ Healthcare Jobs (2015)

Ranking the Best MBA Programs for Pharmaceutical/ Biotech/ Healthcare Jobs (2015)

Entering 2015 school year, Duke Fuqua comes out on top when it comes to sending MBA graduates (as a percentage of all graduates in 2014) into the pharmaceutical, biotech and healthcare industries - 9% of its graduating class get jobs in these industries. Dartmouth Tuck, Wharton and MIT Sloan hold their own, coming in at 2nd, 3rd and 4th best.

Ranking the Best MBA Programs for Consulting Jobs (2015)

Ranking the Best MBA Programs for Consulting Jobs (2015)

Dartmouth Tuck comes out on top when it comes to sending MBA graduates (as a percentage of all graduates in 2014) into the consulting industry - 35% of its graduating class.

Columbia Business School is a very, very close second with 34.4% of its graduating MBA class entering the consulting industry.

Would Saint Thomas Aquinas Have Hired an MBA Admissions Consultant?

Would Saint Thomas Aquinas Have Hired an MBA Admissions Consultant?

Warning: this blog post will be more esoteric than most. If you don't like deep thinking, you might want to wait for the next one. Because what I am going to do is use some of Thomas Aquinas' teachings to explain that there are different ways to going about the MBA application process. Namely, that one can "seek learning," "be taught," or "rush out and share what he has learned," which loosely translates to doing the applications on your own, hiring a consultant, or engaging in forum culture. I am a consultant, so you will never guess which one I am saying he would have endorsed! In all seriousness though, this is some interesting stuff so I encourage you to dive in, be willing to self-assess, and possibly achieve a new perspective.

Rankings: Best MBA Programs for Entertainment and Media Jobs (2015) - UCLA Anderson & NYU Stern

Rankings: Best MBA Programs for Entertainment and Media Jobs (2015) - UCLA Anderson & NYU Stern

UCLA Anderson comes out on top when it comes to sending graduates (as a percentage of all graduates in 2014) back into the entertainment & media industries. NYU Stern is respectable second, with Michigan Ross a surprising third. Hands down, Anderson is the place to be if you're into entertainment and media and want to work for a related firm in the industry.