It’s no secret that business schools like to matriculate veterans. If you have military service on your resume, however, are you leveraging it to maximize your odds of admission?
As the end of round two approaches, are you feeling like you’re running out of gas? Here’s a few things you do to stay motivated and finish well.
Business schools desire to see many key traits in their applicants: Leadership, teamwork, solid work experience, good grades. One often overlooked but very important skill for b-school is time management. Are you using this skill now to manage your application deadlines?
Gone are the days of the standard MBA, because the 21st Century MBA is all about specialization. How will you enhance your MBA to meet your career needs?
For decades, women and under-represented minorities were rarely found taking part in MBA programs. Once the world figured out the value of a diverse marketplace and boardroom, however, the tables began to turn. There is now no better time to apply if you fall in one of these categories.
Now that applications have been released, it's time to get serious about your approach. The moves you make now could impact not only your admissions decisions, but also your workload over the next few months.
Failng to get organized as you begin your MBA application journey is tantamount to failing on purpose. Here's a few tips on how you can ensure you take the preparation for MBA apps as seriously as you take business school itself.
We’ve heard about achievement all our lives, from our parents, teachers and friends. Just when you were feeling pretty good about yourself, it’s time to measure up once more as you prepare your MBA applications.
This time of year, applicants from all walks of life are contemplating returning to b-school, and it’s not just businesspeople who are applying. Does it make a difference where you come from when it comes to getting in?
The average age of MBA students has steadily grown over the years, and everyone knows the older we get, the more stuff we acquire. As you prepare your business school applications, you may want to start thinking about getting skinny.
If you’re thinking about not stepping away from your career to get an MBA, your options have expanded over the years into roughly three options, the part-time MBA, the online MBA, and the executive MBA. The latter is the pickiest from an admissions standpoint, but might be the ideal option for the right person.
Applying to business school puts you in a very unique category. Unless you have a serious shift in your life plan, it’s unlikely you will ever be in the same situation again, that is, becoming a student in a terminal degree program. Now is your chance to get meetings with just about anyone you desire to discuss their experience and your vision.
A key part of establishing your MBA application story is to cast a compelling vision. The easiest way to ensure your rejection from top schools would be to fall short doing so.
Making the most of your MBA campus visits is a paramount gesture when choosing where you want to apply. If you think simply stopping by and walking around is going to do the trick, think again.
This time of year is about finishing well and new beginnings. And Summertime, and sipping lemonade and relaxing. Before you head off to the beach, however, you might want to do a few things to advance your MBA application process.
MBA programs fill their applicant pools with an unlimited variety of professional backgrounds, so are you aligning your background with your target school’s reputation, or is your strategy to mix it up?
There’s always a struggle each year to decide which round to apply for your MBA. It’s not helping that schools are adding even more rounds.
Going back for an MBA is a multi-faceted decision. Unlike Law School, Medical School or even regular graduate schools, where a master’s degree or higher is often tacked onto the end of an undergraduate degree, business school takes some planning. Is now the right time for you to make the break? The market may be saying YES.