Today is the perfect day to think about what you’re thankful for. It’s also a great time of year to think about thanks and giving when preparing your MBA applications.
It should go without saying, but it continues to surprise me each year how many applicants to b-school fail to properly thank people throughout the application process. A thank you goes a long way and what’s more, it’s expected. A simple thank you can be what separates someone from being admitted from someone being told no.
Giving thanks to those you encounter in the application process starts early.
From your very first encounter at school information sessions, to class visits (yes thank your student hosts as well as those who set up the visit for you), sending a thank you note or email should be sent promptly after your encounter. Hand-written or electronic, a thank you of any variety will check the box and ensure you are courteous, professional and thoughtful. These are qualities that all business leaders should demonstrate, so don’t make the mistake of missing your own opportunity to show them you are “MBA material.”
It’s not just the people who work for your target school whom you need to thank.
Remember that there is an army of people helping you get into business school, from your recommenders to your essay readers, to those with whom you conduct informational interviews. Getting into the thank-you habit will help you establish a routine that will positively impact the rest of your career. If you are not already on the thank-you train, now is the perfect time to practice.
Giving is also a great habit to build.
Most schools are going to ask you when you interview how you support your undergrad alma-mater. It’s always great to say without hesitation that you give them money. While not any more important than engaging with your time, giving money to your alma mater is a very practical way to demonstrate your generosity and support which incidentally, is also a standard trait of all business leaders. Giving back is a requisite quality of any high-performing professional, so make sure you take this simple step to show that you know how to walk and talk like a true business leader.
For information on how we can guide your business school application process, email us at or go to