Fewer and shorter essays, increased gender equality, and the popularity of the GRE testing (instead of the GMAT) are just a few of the developments in MBA admissions that might be informative for today's applicants. The types of MBA applicants schools are looking for and what makes them stand out have undergone significant changes. In this blog post we talk about how business school applications have changed over the past ten years and how these patterns affect the way you should approach your MBA application today.
How Many Students are Pursuing an MBA?
There are 155,996 MBA students who are not all enrolled in full-time, residential programs. In fact, enrollment in online MBA programs in the United States currently exceeds enrollment at full-time MBA schools. This is a significant change from a few years ago. In the United States, 45,038 MBA candidates are enrolled in online programs, while 43,740 students are enrolled in campus-based full-time programs.