Ranking the Best MBA Programs for Real Estate

Michigan Ross (really? yes, really) comes out on top when it comes to sending graduates (as a percentage of all graduates in 2015) back into the real estate industry with a job. Go Blue!

Yes, we were a bit surprised as well. However, according to the employment data Ross reported, Michigan is the place to be if you're into real estate and want to work for a related firm in the industry.  

Stanford GSB is second, with Yale SOM in third, and UCLA Anderson in fourth. 

The Top 4 - Best MBA Programs for Getting a Job in the Real Estate Industry

Source: MBA Employment Reports from 2015

I am also including another chart that is definitely uglier, but might be more useful for comparing across the top 16 business schools.


Today's blog post also follows up to our previous posts ranking top MBA programs: 

It's also our continued attempt at ranking top MBA programs by industry and based on publicly available data. You can find all of our aggregated MBA employment data here for your own data manipulation.

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If you are interested in the MBA Admissions Consulting services offered by Amerasia, please email mba@amerasiaconsulting.com or visit http://www.amerasiaconsulting.com/contact to inquire about setting up a free consultation.