Thinking about going to business school to become an entrepreneur? Read this first.
Being an entrepreneur is just about the easiest thing in the world to do. Simply declare, ”I’m an entrepreneur!” Of course, finding success as one is an entirely different thing. It’s this elusive success that sends some entrepreneurs back to business school. Is this a good idea?
If you’re already a successful entrepreneur, it’s unlikely you would get much out of business school.
Finding success as an entrepreneur is a rare thing, so if you’ve already done it, you might be better off just polishing off your skillset with some supplementary classes or continuing education on the side as you can find the time to do it. Business school is an all-in endeavor, so unless you do a part time MBA (also a decent option for “true” entrepreneurs), you won’t even be able to pull it off. Top schools generally make you agree up front that you will not carry outside employment or operate a business while in school in most cases, so trying to do both is usually a non-starter. Plus, you literally would not have time to do both.
If you have dreams of becoming a post MBA entrepreneur, you might reconsider.
Reality check---most of the world’s greatest entrepreneurs are not MBAs. If you do your research you will find this to be true. Achieving results with your own business idea takes that elusive special “something,” the moxie or secret sauce that is ethereal and difficult to describe. This is why there are no go-to resources on the web or in books that anyone can use to hit the proverbial home run with their business idea. Even the most respected business schools cannot promise you skills and strategies to make a winning run at launching your business idea. Still, there are a few schools famous for their entrepreneurship programs, but do you have the chops to get accepted to schools like Stanford or Haas? Even if you do, you can’t rely on the school to get you to self-made mogul status. It’s got to be inside you already. And if it is, you might be better off putting that $200K into your business.
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