As a follow up to my earlier post today (regarding the video HBS references in their essay prompt), I wanted to unleash a marathon of HBS Case Method videos that I found during my research.
So grab some popcorn and sit back - this is sure to beat the Game of Thrones marathon you had planned for tonight (but not really.) Ha.
First off - the 2007 video Dee Leopold references in this year's essay prompt:
Next comes what I found digging around the Youtubes and Interwebs.
Students give their personal perspective about the HBS Case Method in the two videos below.
Getting "Cold-called" at HBS
Finally, I leave you with the video below - "Cold Call" AKA "Something We All Feared" - where alumni recount the horrors of being cold called by professors. A bit of HBS comic relief depending on your sense of humor.
One case - deceptively named Chattanooga Ice Cream Company - spelled the demise of two students who "packed up and went home" after the case discussion ( Maybe they were lactose intolerant?
One former student describes the horrors of the Donner Case ( - definitely not a party.
Another former student had to book an appointment with the school psychologist. ( But the psychologist was booked out for 3 months! What? Ha.
Yet another alum was cold called after a night of drinking and not preparing - the visiting professor from DPRK University was not impressed. (
Jokes aside, after watching this video, I'm not sure if they were talking about getting cold called or cold cocked. HBS = no place for wimps apparently.
Seriously, all in good fun, HBS.
So now that you have watched the videos above, are you ready to"Introduce Yourself"?
All-in-all, HBS has made some very clean and beneficial changes to their essay that help candidates respond in a way that is on point. They also do a much better job at clarifying what type of person succeeds in the HBS learning environment - the Case Method being core to the DNA of the school. Overall, what Dee Leopold is really looking for has remained intact.