Columbia Business School rolled out a few updates to their MBA website this week, and well, I could not find a few things. Beyond the fact that the timing is questionable (with the Early Decision deadline coming up), I have often wondered why many b-school most valuable marketing asset (their website) often looks like they were designed by the accounting department.
Truth be told, I give Columbia's MBA website a better than average grade. However, I wanted to see if I could simplify it for those applicants currently working on their essays and application, while trying to figure out "Why Columbia?" I created a visual representation (mindmap) of the site, which ended up looking like the New York subway system, and I wanted to share it with you. Hopefully this will allow you to see where you fit into CBS' clubs, curriculum and student culture.
Feel free to download a copy of this mindmap or create your own online copy and edit as you please.
If you want to view the CBS mindmap in a new (and bigger) window, click here >
Enjoy and leave us any feedback in the comments section below.
(Click and drag on the mindmap to navigate. Then click on the relevant link to navigate to that section of the CBS website.)