student life

East Coast vs. West Coast MBA Campuses

East Coast vs. West Coast MBA Campuses

Your quality of living and experience for the next two years are determined by the location of your college. The geography of a college has a direct influence on your life, from people to weather to cuisine and much more.

The Paramount Importance of the MBA Internship

The Paramount Importance of the MBA Internship

If the job at the end of the rainbow is the destination, then b-school is the journey.  And one of the most critical parts of this journey is the summer internship.  Have you thought much about it?

Where Should You Live During B-School

Where Should You Live During B-School

Ok so there’s lots to talk this time of year regarding school selection, application strategy, essay writing, recommendations, and resumes, but let’s daydream for a minute that you have been accepted into your school of choice.  Have you considered yet how you will make the move to business school and where you will live?  It’s not a bad idea to start thinking about this lifestyle choice early in the process.